Get SOLD OUT Without “Selling Out”

expert copywriting & virtual assistance

for coaches, healers, modern witches, & spiritual entrepreneurs

Do you prefer struggle or ease?

A no-brainer isn’t it?

Except most people like it rough when it comes to business.

Because hard work is virtuous—or something like that.

As a soul-led business owner, you’re here to offer the world your magic and medicine in exchange for a delicious and opulent life.

A life of freedom, flexibility, and WEALTH.

And you’re here to help others alleviate their unnecessary struggles so they can live just as marvelously. 

But there’s a good chance you’re choosing unnecessary struggle when it comes to your own business…

By crafting launch sequences, sales pages, blog posts, and re-purposing content for hours on end—on top of everything else that needs doing.

Unsure why being self-employed feels way less freeing and fulfilling than you imagined.

Questioning how in your right mind you signed up to spend so many of your days glued to a computer screen writing the same thing over and over again.

Flexibility? You can’t remember the last time you took a vacation.

You’re scattered in all directions, overwhelmed by your neverending to-do list, trying to keep up with your online presence while reading up on countless marketing strategies that promise more joy and ease

(which you have yet to experience).

Growing weary, a little resentful, and starting to wonder when this whole entrepreneurship thing will actually work the way you want it to

This sound like you?

If it does, let’s end the struggle now.

I’m Ilana

Expert copywriter here to ensure you get to live the easeful and expansive life of your dreams while still running your business.

I’ll do the work of creating magnetic messaging for you so you can attract swarms of soul-mate clients without losing sleep or sounding like someone you’re not.

As a Creatrix,

You are:

  • a coach

  • a therapist

  • a mystic

  • an astrologer

  • a holistic practitioner

  • an artist

  • an educator

You’re also:

  • a pragmatic intuitive boss witch with a magician’s toolkit of holistic, ground-breaking modalities that you use to help people live their best lives.

  • You spend your time working 1:1 with your clients, creating programs, stewarding a digital community, or designing magical products.

You want:

  • to make an opulent living running your business without the noble struggle.

  • a life that revolves around pleasurable creation that isn't extractive or exploitative.

  • your work to be in high demand, your authentic brilliance made visible, and an abundance of soul-mate clients championing your $uccess.

You need:

  • your copy to effortlessly magnetize your ideal clients and make them buy your spectacular products or programs.

  • a messaging strategy that works without draining your life force, dulling your unique charm, or sacrificing your integrity.

  • more TIME to live and enjoy your life outside of your business!

It’s hard, but it can be easier

Running an online business takes a lot!

And it can feel tempting to beat yourself up about not doing enough—especially if you’re not seeing the results you want.

With your mounting to-do lists, energy-intensive launches, growing need to appease social media algorithms, SEO?!, plus staying on top of all the moving back-end parts of your biz, it can feel next to impossible to thrive without succumbing to the grind.

But still, you can choose ease.

When we work together, I help you handle the most exhausting elements of your business so that they no longer drain your time, energy, or faith in your success.

The best part? You’ll receive personalized marketing support and copy that leaves your soul-mate clients hanging on every last word.

When you work with me you get:

○ online copy that translates into abundance (of actual sales) for your business

○ landing pages, email campaigns, newsletters, blogs, and website copy that’ll have even more of your soul-mate clients begging to work with you

○ search engine optimized (SEO) writing that lets your business shine at the top of Google’s search results to ensure the right people find you and your work

recognition for the ingenuity and value your services bring where it matters most and by who it matters to

○ virtual assistance support wherever you need it via automation, integration, and systems management

more time for rest, and enjoying your life outside of your business

If you’re currently stuck:

○ crafting a high-conversion sales page

○ creating a stand-out website that moves more people to work with you

○ developing an irresistible lead magnet to grow your email list

○ sending out newsletters your people genuinely look forward to reading

○ writing effective email sequences

○ coming up with consistent, engaging, and informative blog or social media posts that showcase your brilliance and expertise

○ digitally expressing yourself as a bold spiritual entrepreneur devoted to serving and liberating the people you work with

Book a free 30-minute discovery call!